That requires management and leadership skills to feel comfortable doing things like facilitating meetings, holding participants accountable and enforcing constraints. You’ll also need to learn common project management techniques and tools, which you can pick up through training or work experience. If you are looking to become a potential operations manager in a top-ranking company, you must take certain certification courses. This provides a competitive edge by validating your key skills to the hiring companies. You must first check the skills that are in demand and join online certification courses. Certification courses must be top-ranking, valuable in the business field, and taught by professionals.

To develop your communication skills, practice being open and honest with your coworkers. To build this trust, encourage your team members to bring any thoughts into a discussion—even if you disagree with them. Your ability to remain a calm, neutral party is vital to your success as a project manager, as well as the success of a project and the success and satisfaction of the people working on it. Your patience through challenges can inspire persistence and diffuse conflicts, while your impatience or frustration could equally demoralize and exacerbate problems.

Free eBook: Guide To The CCBA And CBAP Certifications

Keep an eye on the project manager’s day-to-day work, and ask them questions to understand what they do. Being attuned to the process can give you great insight into the skills you need to do the job. It has never been so important for project professionals to demonstrate their skills and for organisations to assess their capability. The tools and techniques of project management are universal and a good project manager should be able to add value in any environment. However, key skills play a major role in making an effective operations manager.

  • Resource management, as a technical skill of a project manager, involves effectively allocating and optimizing resources to ensure project success.
  • But it’ll still be good to know what elements can add to a budget, how to decrease costs, and when you need to increase it.
  • Whether your business uses traditional project management life cycle methodologies or advanced solutions to manage projects, the skills required by a project manager remain somewhat similar.
  • With leadership skills, you build trust, foster collaboration and teamwork, delegate tasks, establish clear expectations, and create a team-based culture.
  • Before executing the project, you have to create a risk management plan to identify, assess, and control risk.

In your working life, you’re going to likely work with people from a variety of backgrounds and upbringings who will have very different life experiences. They may experience obstacles and issues in their career that you simply won’t, and you can’t change that. In a related way, knowing how to stay positive in times of adversity has a reassuring trickle-down effect when displayed by leaders.


It automatically collects live project data and displays it on easy-to-read graphs and charts. Project managers get a high-level view of time, cost, workload and much more to keep track of project performance and catch issues quickly. Best of all, there’s no time-consuming configuration necessary as with lightweight project management software. Some say that leadership is a personality trait or a soft skill that can’t be taught. While some project managers have better people skills than others, we think everyone has the potential to learn how to apply proven leadership skills and techniques.

A few personality traits include empathy, modesty, authority, pragmatism, foresight, organization, and client orientation. Make sure you’re suited for this line of work before you spend time and money becoming certified. Project recovery skills are essentially skills that would show that you are able to pick up an incomplete or a project gone wrong and make it a success.

What are the best project management tools?

While the term “soft skills” makes them sound fluffy (or squishy, or mushy), the impact they have on your team’s performance is rock-solid — and 80% of project management professionals agree. According to the Project Management Institute’s 2018 Pulse of the Profession report, four out of five respondents believe that soft skills are more important today than they were just five years ago. Project planning defines how to become a project manager project objectives, identifies tasks and activities, determines dependencies, estimates resource requirements, and creates a schedule. To create a realistic project plan, a project manager needs expertise in project planning methodologies, such as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Critical Path Method (CPM). Emotional intelligence encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and managing emotions effectively.

  • Leadership includes influencing decisions without being overtly authoritative, knowing how to motivate team members, and balancing the needs of your team with the needs of the project.
  • Good critical thinkers practice analyzing information in front of them and forming their own conclusions based on the facts—the way Sherlock Holmes solves a mystery.
  • For example, if you need to solve for how to boost sales by 10% over your competition, you can run a competitive analysis to determine where you currently stand in the market.
  • Your journey to becoming a PMP certified is easy with Simplilearn’s PMP Certification.
  • The thing is, great leadership will look different to different people.

Below we explored the 15 essential skills for project managers must master. Project management skills are the attributes you develop to become a more experienced project manager. So, now you know why developing your project management skills is a worthwhile endeavor. Wrike is the answer.Wrike’s project management software will help you apply these skills in your daily work life, empowering you to guide your teams through any rocky patches. With features such as task management, real-time collaboration, and automated reporting, you’ll have everything you need to be the project manager everyone wants to work with. While hard skills are crucial, the soft skills possessed by project managers are equally important for their ability to communicate, collaborate, and lead teams effectively.